Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Colossians 3:23

I have been meditating on this verse over the course of the day and as it is one of my favorites I wanted to write a little about my thoughts. The activities that I do everyday effect other people and I have a desire to make a difference in this world. I want to impact the world for the better and as I give and serve and do everything that I do with my whole heart as onto the Lord, I will impact this world. It is when I hold back, am lazy, or don't give my all that I am not only hurting others by not giving my best, but I also hurt myself. I will not see the fruit of my labor if I am not dilligent. As I am pondering some important decisions about what to pursue for my future, I must remember to follow the Holy Spirit's lead and just take one step at a time and give my whole heart and best with all the passion that has been put inside of me. That is how things are created, with passion and discipline, the dreams that lie inside of you will be made visions that are seen in front of you. It is like sowing and reaping, you can't just sow your seed but forget to water it. You have to give the best care you can to your seed. And such is life, don't hold back because of fear of rejection or fear of failure, no good can come from that. I love Colossians 3:23, it might just be my favorite verse in the bible. It gives me so much motivation and revelation!