Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's party and other happenings

Today was a great day, I got to play my violin at church and listened to an awesome word.  I love how the word transforms my mind.  I believe it is vital for moms to have this kind of support to come together and be lifted up with God.  Today I was thinking about how our role as moms compares to running a business, not just working a job.  Our life attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs vitally affect our children each day. We need to be recharged too so we can give our best to our children.  I am so thankful for my God, my family, and my friends.  Every once in a while I get this victim mindset in my head that wants this pity party and I am glad that I can leave this mindset quickly because I know it won't produce any fruit in my life.

I haven't blogged for a few days.  Abbie is starting to enjoy singing songs with me.  She has the you are my sunshine book and loves singing it with me.  She is also singing her abc's which I will have to get on video one of these days.  In 9 days it will be Abbie's 3rd birthday.  I can't believe she is growing up so fast!! We are celebrating her party of March 10th so I am busy working on party planning lately as well.  I am also getting back into playing my violin more often, playing once a month at our main campus at church and will soon be starting to play in our Scottsdale campus.  I also am playing with a professional orchestra and choir at an RV park at the end of this month.  God is really speaking to me that I need to do things that I enjoy just for me so I am going for it. Yesterday was valentines day and Nanny and Pap Pap came and visited and brought over valentines gifts for each of the kids.  Abbie had her first valentines party, her friends Violet and William hosted it and it was a ton of fun.  They got to play outside, make a valentine card gift bag, eat lunch and decorate their own valentines cookies.  Abbie had a ton of fun! Here are some pictures from the party.

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