Once again, it has been awhile since I last blogged. I am so glad that I am taking the time to blog, since I know that many times my memory might fail to remember all the fond details of my everyday life with two little ones. The biggest change since my last blog is that Timmy is starting to explode in his talking. And when I say explode, I mean before he was really just saying baby babble and now he is saying real words. I attempted to write down all of what he says now, but I know I am still leaving some words out, but here is what I can remember, Momma, Dadda, Ball (which I must say is his all time FAVORITE word, he says this one like 40 times a day), Choo-Choo, Bah (like a sheep), Woof, Red, Yellow, Grape, Juice, Water, Dora, Moo, Fish, and Dark (for when he helps me sort the laundry into lights and darks). His personality is SO different from his sisters that it is really interesting to watch this talking explosion since it is nothing like what I experienced with Abbie. Abbie is loving her time playing prince and princess with her little brother, which usually is just her trying to boss around her little brother. In all fairness, she really plays really well with him and they are so sweet together much of the time! I have started teaching violin/viola and piano again and Abbie does get pretty excited when a student leaves to want to try piano. I haven't done much of anything but show her how to hold a violin and with that she did do amazingly well. We are in the process of looking for a dance studio for her so I'm sure my next blog will be filled with details about that. For now, enough writing, here are some pictures of our fun!
Fun riding on daddy's mower |
Abbie is getting excited to try new hair do's |
Timmy loves his kisses |
playtime at the mall |
Mommy's little baker girl |
Mommy's handsome little man |
why can't I use two spoons?? |
Let's go down together |
Swimming and trying out our floaties |
Just watching a show together |
Abbie got a turn too |
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