Wednesday, April 25, 2012

All our goings on

Thought I'd take a minute to update on the kiddos.   These pictures and video show our unique, fun and silly family. Timmy is almost 15 months, he can say mama, dada, ball, dog and woof.  He loves to color, signs please and all done and can wave bye bye.  He still isn't walking but is crawling fast as can go.  Abbie is getting excited to start preschool in the summer, we have been keeping busy with going to the library, visiting my dad, swimming, church and play dates.  Abbie loves to put puzzles together lately and she always enjoys helping me with anything, cooking, laundry, etc... She loves to play princess and we just went to a wedding last weekend where she enjoyed watching the princess get married. She actually colored the letter A all my herself while we went out to eat one day and I was so impressed since I never taught her how to do that. Another one of her favorites is playing dress up, she LOVES picking outfits to dress up in! One of Abbie's new phrases she says all the time now is, "I'm just kidding" She loves her brother and loves to pretend that he is rescuing her. She makes me laugh daily and I am so blessed to have this time with my children!  I know if I don't write all this out, at some point in my life I will forget these details so I am so thankful for my blog. Here are some pictures and video to share our little family.  Thanks for reading!