Okay so it has been forever since I have blogged, but I am really feeling the need to do so. A lot has happened, I lost my mom in February and that has been very difficult for me, but the good thing is that I know she is in a better place now and she is at peace with a glorified body. She had suffered for so long here on earth and fought cancer since 1993. My relationship with God has been challenged over this time and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the bible is true but I think it is my analytical mind that gets mad because I don't have answers to every question. I just need to be a peace with the fact that God is God and I will lean on God not my own understanding. I love Proverbs 3:5. Sometimes it seems like such a childish and simple verse, but there is so much deep wisdom in it, I will remind myself of this verse daily. Another good thing that has happened is my dad moved down here to Arizona which is a miracle in itself. Our relationship is being restored day by day and I am believing for him to be saved. Being a mom has been awesome over the past few months. Abbie had her first birthday party which was an awesome success and she went to the zoo for the first time, I will post pictures below. Abbie is running around like crazy and keeping me very busy. Words she says now are Momma, Dadda, Ball, Duck, Dog Dog, Door, nana and she signs please and more all the time now which is so cute. She just graduated from ISR swim lessons and I am excited to spending some hot Arizona days this summer out in the pool with her. Unfortunately she just got Croup and is recovering quickly right now from it. The picture to below is Abbie enjoying the splash pad and also her very first diamondbacks game.

Here are some pictures from her first birthday party.

Her cake was awesome ballerina cake to match her tutu. I made the tutu for her and for the cake, but the cake was made by mind over batter.

Here are some pics of the birthday girl.

She couldn't stop clapping for herself!!

And the sugar rush begins...

Margarate I didn't know that you blog! I love the pictures, and the wisdom. Proverbs 3:5 has always been one of my personal favorites. I think it's hard sometimes to keep a God like perspective and remember that when we put our lives in His hands we will be the happiest we can be. I love you!