Saturday, December 19, 2015
Some recent happenings
Lily is not in gymnastics, but that face is just too cute to not include in our pictures:)
Balance beam time.
Floor flips.
We are SO thankful for Nana and Pap Pap. Abbie and her first gymnastics trophy.
Timmy had his first Christmas show. He was so excited to sing every song for me in the car on the way to the show. Love him!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Christmas traditions
It is that time of year where Christmas celebrations are going on everywhere you turn. It is a joyous season, but can also be a season, if we allow it, to be too busy that we forget to slow down and find the real meaning in the season. Christmas is all about celebrating Jesus. For our family we have traditions we do each year like visiting Santa, playing in the snow, going to the Nutcracker, baking cookies, etc... Those traditions are fun and provide so many memories each year, but there are the simple things of just being with our family and having that time to grow with each other and spiritually grow in ourselves that are just as meaningful. Here's to a season filled with fun memories but also allows for the freedom for God to speak and grow within each of us as we take the time to on purpose slow down and enjoy the times of non planned celebrations just as much as the planned ones.