Again it has been awhile since I have posted. We have just celebrated Thanksgiving and with an almost 4 year old and almost 2 year old it gets more and more fun each passing year. This year Pinterest inspired me on a few simple craft ideas to provide teachable moments on things we are thankful for and simply the changing of the seasons (which we still have yet to experience here in AZ, our a/c is still running and it's almost Dec.) My kids both had fun with these activities and I gave myself enough grace so that I wouldn't feel horrible for missing a day here and there. Still even though I have been a mom for awhile now, I am learning more each day about grace and that it isn't possible to fit perfection into each day. For me, prioritizing simple little things I want to accomplish each day and balancing these things out on a weekly basis is very helpful. I am the type of person that wants to do everything and I really have to make an effort to slow down my pace to make sure my children are not overwhelmed.
We all had a great Thanksgiving with our entire family, Tim's parents, his sister, her roomate and my dad. Our family also did the turkey trot this year which was really fun and as long as we are not hosting Thanksgiving at our house I would do it every year. Timmy is talking more and more everyday. His favorite more recent words are Boots (from Dora), yo-yo since Abbie has been playing with a yo-yo a lot recently, and Blue when he is coloring. He still loves dogs which he calls woof woofs. Abbie is still enjoying her dance class and has a recital coming soon. It has been fun listening to her inquisitive side as she has recently began to ask a lot more questions about everything. She also has started singing a lot more so I am wondering how her musical interests will grow as she grows.
We have enjoyed our fall and now we are getting ready for a great Christmas which will probably be my next blog post.
My halloween princess Cinderella, didn't get a picture of the superman this year:( |
Our fall craft wall |
close up of our thankful tree |
Pumpkin farm time |
Timmy enjoyed feeding the animals, Abbie wanted nothing to do with it! |
They both LOVE to swing now! They are so big! |
They had fun at the zoo with a friend! |